Cookie & Privacy Policy


The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you about the information collected via our website and how it is used. To properly process and protect personal data, we comply with the Personal Data Act (PuL) and follow the established principles of good practice in the field.

What Information is Collected

As a visitor to PelEnergy's website, you may be asked to provide personal information. The types of personal data collected include email address, physical address, phone number, and sometimes company details.

How the Information is Used

The information we collect is used for the following purposes: to offer a secure and user-friendly experience on our website, and to communicate via email or mail in connection with offers.


To offer a smooth and easy-to-use website, we use cookies. A cookie is a small amount of data sent to your browser from the web server of the site you visit, stored on your computer’s hard drive. If you do not accept that PelEnergy stores cookies on your computer, we ask you to disable the handling of cookies in your browser's security settings.


Our websites contain links to other sites on the Internet. We cannot be responsible for the handling of personal data on these sites, but we encourage visitors to review the personal information policy applicable to each site.


If you have any questions about our handling of personal data, please send an email to, or write to PelEnergy, Hejargatan 6, 749 52 Grillby. You have the right to request information about what data we have about you once a year. Additionally, you can always contact us if you wish to correct, delete, or block your data.

Who Has Access to the Information

PelEnergy is responsible for the personal information collected. We do not sell personal information to other companies.

Security and Privacy

The protection of personal data and personal privacy is a high priority at PelEnergy. We carefully protect personal information from unauthorized access, loss, or distortion.

Policy Changes

PelEnergy may update and change this policy. Therefore, we recommend that returning visitors regularly check for changes before submitting personal information.